
Vpn for desktop
Vpn for desktop

You can also use a VPN connection to prevent online advertisers and other companies from tracking what you get up to online. Our free VPN client for Windows 7, Windows 10, and Windows 11 helps you protect online data traffic on your computer or laptop from manipulation and snooping.

vpn for desktop

What’s the benefit of our VPN client for Windows? Check out our blogpost to learn more about the technology behind a VPN. This means that your online activities cannot be tracked, nor can your actual location be determined.

vpn for desktop

The VPN tunnel is established between your Windows device and the VPN server, and the device is assigned the server’s IP address - and a different virtual location. If you regularly use your Windows laptop to surf when out and about by connecting to a public Wi-Fi hotspot - be it at a hotel, on the train, at the airport, or in a café - using a VPN is highly recommended.Ī VPN (virtual private network) is a private communications network that routes data traffic in an encrypted format through a virtual tunnel so nobody can see what you’re doing online - not even us or the internet service provider. It also helps you hide your IP address and browse anonymously. With bank-grade encryption of all your online data traffic, the Avira Phantom VPN client for Windows 7, Windows 10, and Windows 11 helps you protect your sensitive data when it’s transmitted over the internet. This poses a risk, particularly when shopping and banking online, and also threatens your confidential communications. That’s because cybercriminals on the same network can access your incoming and outgoing data.

vpn for desktop

Dangers lurk around every corner when surfing the internet - especially when using unsecured public Wi-Fi hotspots. With cybercrime always on the rise, it’s crucial to adequately protect the online traffic on your Windows PC, laptop, and other Windows devices.

Vpn for desktop